School Visits
Emma enjoys face-to-face contact with readers, especially in the classroom setting. Technology means school visits can happen in ways that are super convenient and cost effective for all. This has allowed Emma to be with readers in schools located in varied parts of Australia and overseas.Meet the Author visits allow students to explore varied aspects of Emma’s novels and what it means to be an author. Q&A Sessions always include questions about what inspired a story, the process of writing and editing, how characters are created, how to get published, advice for aspiring authors, how long it took to write and more.Specifics that are often discussed include character action, interaction and motivation, why these elements are instrumental in driving plot, and what kinds of things may be cut from an original draft and why.Delving deeper allows students to investigate the crossover between reality and fiction, the inclusion of a character with a disability and what an author hopes readers may take from a story.Students always delight in discussing how story allows us to explore humanity, thereby helping us make sense of the world. There is lots to learn and so much to be gained when students get to meet the creator of a story they’ve enjoyed.See what schools have done on the What’s Happening page.Where schools read and use her novel in a classroom setting, a simple Meet the Author Q&A Session may be free of charge. Contact Emma to discuss.